So I went to the library the other day to pick up some books for my upcoming trip to visit A and her husband J (so excited!) and ended up spending most of my time in the children's section of the library instead of the sci-fi section like I had planned. It all ended up being for the best, though, because I discovered this fantastic series of children's books about a squirrel named Scaredy Squirrel.
I obviously love books about squirrels, so I was thrilled to find this in the children's section. I checked it out, of course, and B tried his hardest not to roll his eyes.
Well it turns out this book is even better than I thought, because not only is it about a squirrel, it's about a squirrel with some sort of anxiety disorder. So yeah, it's pretty much about me.
Note on the very first page it talks about why Scaredy Squirrel never goes to the beach. He hates crowds!
Anyway, it's a really awesome book and made me feel good about being a scaredy squirrel myself. Hopfully posting these pictures isn't a copyright violation or anything, but I wanted to show just why I was so impressed with the series. Also, I didn't post the last few pages of the book so now you guys have to go out and get it yourselves to find out what happens during Scaredy Squirrel's visit to the beach! I know I'll be requesting the rest of the series from the library when I get home from Florida next week!
Wow, this book really IS about you!