Friday, August 14, 2009

Florida: The Foods

So although I may post from time to time about my food, I really do not want this blog to turn into a blog about food. Yes, I will continue to post about food from time to time, mostly just because it's a very important and enjoyable part of my life. I just don't want anyone to get the idea that I'm some sort of obnoxious and elitist foodie. Yuck.

I am posting about food today because we tried a great many new meals on our trip to Florida. We happened to be in the part of Florida with a very Southern culture, and it started to become apparent during our layover in Dallas. We had a good amount of time before our next flight and we were feeling very adult so we decided to have a nice sit-down meal at T.G.I. Friday's.

Little did I know, I was about to consume the tastiest wrap I've ever had.

Here it is pre-consumption. There was some sort of tasty barbeque sauce on it, and bacon, and I think a poultry of some sort. I can't even describe it; it was amazing. And I didn't eat any of my fries because I was so damn full!

Early in our trip, after a full day at the beach, we found ourselves to be quite famished. Our hostess A gently convinced us that we should head to Moe's Southwestern Grill, a franchise which apparently exists in New York City, although B and I have neglected to ever try it. Well let me tell you, we were very happy that A introduced us to the magic of the Moe's burrito. I have discovered that this place exists in New York City, so this squirrel is definitely making her way there as soon as we get home.

Okay, so Moe's wasn't exactly a southern thing since it clearly exists in the northern parts of the country. We were intrigued, however, by the many Whataburgers we saw throughout Florida. We had some extra time one day and so stopped by to try it.
We agreed that it was... okay. The burgers were huge, and relatively tasty. The fries were fine. Mostly we were just excited to have tried something new again.

Now we arrive at the most exciting part of our visit, the part where we ate seafood. Now, I'm married to B and I love him dearly, but he does not like seafood. He is, however, very happy to go to seafood restaurants with me, but really seafood is far more enjoyable when someone else appreciates it too. So I just generally don't eat much seafood with him.

But on this particular occassion we were both in Florida and with others who enjoyed seafood so I took full advantage of the situation and requested that we have a nice seafood dinner together.

A and J and I shared a basket of scallops. Mmmm... scallops... they were so good they melted in my mouth.

But the real excitement of the night was the fried oysters. I love oysters. I love them raw and I love them fried and I really just love them in all ways. But these were the freakin' best oysters I've ever had. My mouth waters when I look at this picture. Each one was huge, and perfectly fried in this light and tasty batter. I didn't even dip them in the tartar sauce because I wanted a simple and pure enjoyment of them.

So we had some awesome food experiences in Florida. There were many great meals when I didn't get out the camera, and unfortunately they won't be mentioned here. It was exciting to go to a different part of the country and get out of our regular schedule of Kowalski's sushi and Jimmy John's sandwiches. Mmmm... Jimmy John's...

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